Thursday, 28 September 2017

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Diese Innovationen versprechen eine höhere Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz für Branchen wie Luftfahrt, Schienenverkehr, Stromerzeugung, Öl - und Gasentwicklung und Gesundheitsversorgung. Es hält das Versprechen eines stärkeren Wirtschaftswachstums, besser und mehr Arbeitsplätze und steigenden Lebensstandards, sei es in den USA oder in China, in einer Megacity in Afrika oder in einem ländlichen Raum in Kasachstan. Lesen Sie andere Beispiele für die Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden im Industrial Internet. Minds Machines Europe Im Juni 2013 führte GE das Industrial Internet nach Europa ein und versammelte zum ersten Mal Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft, Technologie und Wissenschaft, um ein wichtiges Gespräch über die Macht des Industrial Internet zu führen. Industrielles Internet könnte Produktivitätsrevolution in Europa starten Ein neuer Bericht von GE stellte fest, dass das industrielle Internet bis 2030 2,2 Billionen (2,8 Billionen Euro) zum europäischen BIP hinzufügen, die Produktivität steigern und die wirtschaftliche Expansion fördern könnte. Das Industrial Internet und unsere Kunden Unsere Kunden sparen bereits mit dem Industrial Internet Geld und Effizienzsteigerungen. Innovative Technologien bilden das Rückgrat des Industrial Internet Bei GE ist Forschung und Entwicklung seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert der Eckpfeiler der Innovation. Heute hat GE rund 36.000 Techniker, die in unseren Geschäfts - und globalen Forschungszentren am Schnittpunkt von Technologie und Industrie arbeiten, um einige der weltweit schwierigsten Probleme zu lösen. Globale RD-Einrichtungen Global Research Europe, München In Deutschland auf dem Campus der Technischen Universität München befindet sich Global Research Europe mit hochmodernen Industrielabors, die sich auf die Erstellung der neuesten Durchbrüche und langjährigen Technologien für alle GEs-Märkte konzentrieren. Weiterlesen. Vom Fabrikhallen Hinter den Kulissen von GEs Global Research Center Mehr über GE RampD GE Global Research ist der Dreh - und Angelpunkt der Technologieentwicklung für alle GEs-Unternehmen mit 10 globalen Laboratorien, die von wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen organisiert werden. Meet the Researchers Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Forscher und Technologen auf der ganzen Welt. SPANIEN: Cinco Dias 06. August 2012 Mit der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Lage in Europa ist die effizientere Nutzung der Ressourcen in den Regionen des Kontinents immer wichtiger geworden - vielleicht wichtiger denn je. IRLAND: Sonntagsbus-Posten 05. August 2012 GE Healthcare investiert europaweit 8 Mio. Euro in seine Produktionsstätte in Cork, Carrigtwohill, verdoppelt die Produktionskapazitäten und schafft bis zu 50 neue Arbeitsplätze. POLEN: Dziennik Gazeta Praw 03. August 2012 Zwar gab es bei jedem weiteren Olympia-Event immer wieder Neuerungen, aber während der Spiele 2008 in Peking begann die enorme technologische Revolution. Ihre Infrastruktur musste grundsätzlich von Grund auf neu entwickelt werden, und an diesem Punkt fragten sie sich, ob sie das 21. Jahrhundert wünschten oder ob es der ehemaligen Ära angehöre. - sagte Leslaw Kuzaj GE CEO für Polen. DEUTSCHLAND: VDI Nachtrichten 03 August 2012 Turbinenhülsen aus Salzbergen, Rotorblätter aus Brasilien und Turm aus China - Windkraftanlagenhersteller GE steht mit dem Bau des größten europäischen Windparks in logistischer Hinsicht konfrontiert. DEUTSCHLAND: Wirtschaftsblatt 01. August 2012 Drei Blockheiz - und - erzeugungsanlagen von GE Jenbach wurden in den neuen Olympischen Energiezentren in Stratford City und Kings Yard installiert. DEUTSCHLAND: FTD 01. August 2012 Im Gegensatz zu seinem Partner GE sieht der japanische Technologiekonzern Hitachi der Kernenergie wirtschaftlich vielversprechend. Neue Anlagen geplant. RIA Novosti 31. Juli 2012 Das interdisziplinäre internationale Unternehmen GE plant, im Rahmen der Olympischen Winterspiele 2015 in Sotschi insgesamt 200 Millionen zu investieren, sagte Jeff Immelt, Vorsitzender und CEO von GE in einem Interview mit RIA Novosti. RIA Novosti 31. Juli 2012 Das multinationale Unternehmen GE plant, seine Aktivitäten in Russland im Rahmen von Joint Ventures als Option auszuweiten, sagte Jeff Immelt, Vorsitzender und CEO von GE in einem Interview mit RIA Novosti. UNGARN: Napi Gazdasag 30. Juli 2012 quotDue zu den Dürren der Welt Getreide produzierenden Gebieten, ein stetiger Anstieg der Ernte Preise erwartet, was zu einem Anstieg der Nachfrage nach öffentlichen Lager-Darlehen, die einen kontinuierlichen Rückgang in den letzten Jahren gesehen hat, Sagte Laacuteszloacute Toumlmoumlr, ein Landwirtschaftsexperte an der Budapest-Bank. Christine Mattauch, DEUTSCHLAND: Absatzwirtschaft 27. Juli 2012 Eckpfeiler von GE: Ferdinando quotNaniquot Becalli-Falco ist seit 2011 Geschäftsführer in Deutschland, Europa und Nordasien. Früher war er der CEO von GE International, wo er die Welt gründete Team der Gruppe, für die der italienische Manager seit 37 Jahren arbeitet. SPANIEN: abc. 25. Juli 2012 Alle zwei Athleten werden ihr Blut und ihren Urin in einem hochmodernen Labor untersuchen lassen. In London 2012 hat die Gesundheitsabteilung des GE, einer der weltweiten Sponsoren des Olympischen Komitees, dem Labor in Harlow mit modernster Technologie, dem ImageQuant LAS4000, einen biomolekularen Bildgenerator zur Verfügung gestellt, der entscheidend ist Anti-Doping-Tests für rekombinantes menschliches Erythropoetin. DEUTSCHLAND: Finanz Nachrichten 25. Juli 2012 Analysten von Independent Research haben ihre Holdquot-Rating für GE bestätigt, nachdem die Gruppe ihre neuesten Zahlen veröffentlicht. Angesichts des aktuellen Bewertungsniveaus erwarten die Analysten nur ein moderates Aufwärtspotenzial für GE-Aktien. Bernhard Lohr, DEUTSCHLAND: Suddeutsche Zeitung 23. Juli 2012 Auf der "Smart Energyquot "-Netzwerkkonferenz in Bad Toumllz stellte GE Deutschland-Chef Stephan Reimelt klar, dass es in Oberland bald GE-produzierte Windenergieanlagen geben wird. DEUTSCHLAND: FTD 23. Juli 2012 Der Citi Research Bericht über GE mit dem Titel quotAlert: Inline 2Q12 mit bestätigtem Ausblick Ist ein Feel-Good, quot ist ein Indiz für eine echte Komödie. Robert Wright, DEUTSCHLAND: FTD 23. Juli 2012 Conglomerate erzielt höhere Umsätze in Schwellenländern. GE sieht jetzt, dass sich das Investitionsprogramm zahlt. DEUTSCHLAND: FAZ 21. Juli 2012 Die US-Industrie, mit GE führend, gibt dem weltweit größten Wirtschaftsgrund zu hoffen. Ausgaut Naeligss, NORWEGEN: Dagens Naeringsliv 19. Juli 2012 GE hat in dieser Woche ein Treffen seiner führenden europäischen Führungskräfte in Stavanger abgehalten und seine Strategie für künftiges Wachstum abgesteckt. Silvia Ferraris, ITALIEN: A - Anna 18 Juli 2012 Das Gesetz Gulf-Moskau ist in Kraft getreten. Valore D und GE Capital haben die Top-35 Führungskräfte, die lernen, wie die Arbeit als Vorstandsmitglieder. Antonio Larizza, ITALIEN: Nova 15 Juli 2012 Die Liste der Anwendungen, die virtuelle persönliche Trainer werden, wird immer größer. GE hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Facebook quotHealthySharequot gestartet, eine App, die das Trainingsprogramm und die Beratung des Champions Nba Kevin Durant enthält, der an den bevorstehenden Olympischen Spielen in London teilnehmen wird. Gianluigi Torchiani, ITALIEN: Il Sole 24 Ore 13. Juli 2012 Green Economy ist kein abstraktes Konzept mehr, sondern eine Reihe von Lösungen und Technologien, die in der Lage sind, die ökologischen Auswirkungen von Wirtschaftstätigkeiten zu reduzieren und mehrwertige Unternehmen zu generieren. In den Ergebnissen der Finanzergebnisse von ecomagination, dem GEs-Projekt zur Entwicklung von grünen Produkten und Technologien, kann eine Bestätigung beantragt werden. ITALY: ADNKronos 11. Juli 2012 General Electric, Olympia-Partner, hat eine bedeutende Engagement für London 2012 Olympian Gesundheit. DEUTSCHLAND: FAZ 11 Juli 2012 Der Chef von Bertelsmann ist der Einstellung eines weiblichen GE-Managers als neuer CFO. Georg Weishaupt, DEUTSCHLAND: Handelsblatt 11. Juli 2012 US-Gruppe erweitert RampD an der deutschen Energieversorgungseinheit - GE investiert EUR30 Mio. in erneuerbare Energien - Zögernd im Solargeschäft - Ziel ist die Verdoppelung des Energieumsatzes in Deutschland. Carlos Goacutemez, Spanien: El Pais Negocios 10 Juli 2012 quotJust, weil etwas nicht tun, was Sie geplant es zu tun, bedeutet nicht, seine uselessquot. Dieses Zitat von Thomas Edison, der vor 130 Jahren gegründet wurde, ist Teil der Philosophie, die dieses riesige Konglomerat, das in mehr als 100 Ländern tätig ist, beherbergt, Produktionsstätten in 32 Ländern hat, mehr als 300.000 Menschen beschäftigt und im Jahr 2011 einen Umsatz von 147 Mrd. erwirtschaftete : WirtschaftsWoche 10. Juli 2012 Siemens und GE nutzen die Automobilindustrie als Beispiel, um die Effizienz ihrer Produktion zu erhöhen. Dies ist der einzige Weg, um die erwarteten Angriffe der chinesischen Konkurrenten zu überwinden. Paolo di Martini, ITALIEN: Radio Radicale 05 Juli 2012 Interview mit Sandro De Poli, Geschäftsführer von GE Italy. DEUTSCHLAND: Suddeutsche Zeitung 04. Juli 2012 GEs Das Europäische Forschungszentrum von General Electric baut seinen Standort auf dem Forschungsgelände in Garching aus. Ingvill Dybfest Dahl, NORWEGEN: VG 04 Juli 2012 200 Patienten pro Tag werden bei den Athleten Poliklinik im Olympischen Dorf während der Olympischen Spiele in London erwartet. Nach den Olympischen Spielen das britische Gesundheitssystem, NHS, übernehmen die Klinik und betreiben es als eine öffentliche Klinik für die Menschen in Stratford. Mehrere von dem Sponsor GE geliehene Maschinen werden an anderer Stelle transportiert. Auli Valpola, FINNLAND: Kauppalehti 03 Juli 2012 quotWe sind sehr stolz auf unseren Beitrag zur Londoner Klinik 2012, da wir sie mit medizinischen Geräten versorgen. Wir können 16 000 olympische Athleten und Beamte und 6 200 Paralympische Athleten unterstützen, die aus der ganzen Welt kommen, sagt Colin Hughes, CEO von GE Healthcare, Großbritannien. Christine Murris, FRANKREICH: Valeurs Actuelles 02 Juli 2012 quotYes, wir sind zuversichtlich - Clara Gaymard, Präsidentin von GE France, erklärt unsere Vorteile für die Wirtschaft. DEUTSCHLAND: Energy 2.0 26. Juni 2012 Artikel von Dr. Carlos Haumlrtel, GE Global Research Europe - Effiziente und sichere Energiespeicherung auf großflächiger Ebene stellt eine enorme Herausforderung für zukünftige Stromversorgungen dar. DEUTSCHLAND: Energy 2.0 26. Juni 2012 In einem Interview mit quotEnergy 2.0quot: Dr. Peter Moser, Leiter innovativer Kraftwerkstechnik bei RWE. Laura Rota, ITALIEN: Oggi 25. Juni 2012 GE Italia ist auf der Suche nach 70 Fachleuten, davon 20 in der Ausbildung, fast die Hälfte für das Büro von Florenz, 15 für Mailand und der Rest für Massa, Catania und Bari. DEUTSCHLAND: Energate AZ 25. Juni 2012 Stephan Reimelt, Vorstandsvorsitzender von GE Energy in Deutschland, sagte, Deutschlands Ziele für den Energieübergang seien zu ehrgeizig. DEUTSCHLAND: WirtschaftsWoche 25. Juni 2012 Antwort von Joachim Secker, 53, Leiter der Industriebank GE Capital Deutschland. Petra Maier, DEUTSCHLAND: Euro am Sonntag 25. Juni 2012 General Electric: Das US-Konglomerat hat sich endlich um seine Finanzdienstleistungseinheit GE Capital gekümmert und schafft Chancen für Investoren in Aktienoptionen. DEUTSCHLAND: Das Krankenhaus 25. Juni 2012 Volker Wetekam (42) wird neuer CEO des deutschen Ge - sundheitsgeschäftes. Holger Paul, DEUTSCHLAND: Frankfurter AZ 21. Juni 2012 Interview: Stephan Reimelt, Vorstandsvorsitzender von GE Energy Deutschland Yann Le Galegraves, FRANKREICH: Le Figaro 20. Juni 2012 Interview mit Clara Gaymard, Präsidentin von GE France, Vice President von GE International. DEUTSCHLAND: Focus Money 20 Juni 2012 Der Konglomerat (GE) will abnehmen - abnehmen. Die Bilanz von GE Capital, dem Finanzinstrument des US-Konglomerats GE, weist eine Bilanzsumme von 573 Mrd EUR aus. FRANKREICH: Ouest Frankreich 20. Juni 2012 Politiker haben eine Tendenz zu verkünden, dass Frankreich weniger offen für ausländische Investitionen ist. Das ist nicht wahr. Mattia Bernardo Bagnoli, ITALIEN: ANSA 18. Juni 2012 Das Allgemeine Krankenhaus für Athleten beschäftigt mit dem letzten Schliff Super Shopping-Center bereits geöffnet. Die medizinische Ausrüstung ist von GE, Sponsor und Partner von London 2012. Bjrn Finke, DEUTSCHLAND: Suddeutsche Zeitung 18. Juni 2012 GE ist eine US-amerikanische Multibillion-US-Gruppe und will nun deutsche Familienunternehmen gründen. Das zielt auf den großen Konkurrenten Siemens ab. Andreas Heitker, DEUTSCHLAND: Boersen-Zeitung 15. Juni 2012 Deutschland ist ein Schlüsselmarkt für GE - Das Unternehmen will bis 2015 neue Aufträge im Energiesektor verdoppeln Francesca Cerati, ITALIEN: Nova 13 Juni 2012 GE fördert offene Innovationen und finanziert Ideen Aus der ganzen Welt, mit dem Endziel der Demokratisierungquot Wohlbefinden. Maurizio Bologni, ITALIEN: Affari e Finanza 13. Juni 2012 Die italienische Niederlassung von GE betreut nicht nur Energie mit Nuovo Pignone, sondern auch fortschrittliche Signalanlagen, Wasser und Finanzen. Ein Engagement von 40 Millionen für das Forschungszentrum der Region leiht eine Hand, um die Rückkehr der Technologie in die Zone zu fördern und wird Host-Tests. FRANKREICH: Les Echos 12. Juni 2012 Op-ed von Clara Gaymard (Präsident und CEO von GE France) und Robert Sigal (Präsident von GE Healthcare France) über Kostensenkungen und kurzfristige Investitionen. Jens-Uwe Nobst, Sparkasse Leipzig, DEUTSCHLAND: Leipziger Volkszeit 29. Mai 2012 GE ist eines der größten Industrieunternehmen der Welt. 54 Prozent des Umsatzes werden außerhalb der USA generiert. Rumänien: Ziarul Financiar 28. Mai 2012 Die Sektoren, die wir für eine mögliche Investition in Rumänien erwägen, sind Energie, Gesundheit und Transport. "Wir sind beeindruckt von der Qualität der Mitarbeiter und dem reibungslosen Übergang von einer Regierung zur nächsten" - sagte John Rice, GE Vice Chairman, President amp CEO, Global Growth amp Operations FRANKREICH: Öffentlicher Senat 25. Mai 2012 Interview mit Clara Gaymard, President und CEO von GE France. Irene Consigliere, ITALIEN: Corriere della Sera 25. Mai 2012 Die Mitarbeiter werden zunehmend in den Mittelpunkt einer Reihe von Unternehmen gestellt, von denen einige - z. GE - planen umfangreiche Recruiting-Programme für die nahe Zukunft. POLEN: biznes. pl 24 Mai 2012 quotPoland ist kein Global Player und wir haben keine solche Antrieb zu innovativen als die größten Volkswirtschaften der Welt. Aber solch ein Moment wird kommen, nicht lange. Wenn wir heute über Innovativität sprechen, klingt es ein bisschen wie eine Beschwörung, aber bald wird es ein Thema für facequot sein - erklärt Leslaw Kuzaj, CEO Central Europe. RUSSLAND: Remedium 22. Mai 2012 Am 16. Mai fand in allen GE Niederlassungen weltweit ein "Healthy Day Day" statt. In russischen Büros gab es auch eine Yoga-und Fitness-Klasse, während der eine Reihe von Übungen gezeigt wurden, die während der Arbeitszeit verwendet werden können. Es gab Fußball-und Volleyball-Mitarbeiter Turniere, sowie ein Tischtennis-Turnier. DEUTSCHLAND: DPA 21. Mai 2012 Das US-Konglomerat General Electric sieht die Windenergiebranche in Deutschland als Wachstumsgeschäft trotz der aktuellen Probleme mit dem Netzanschluss von Nordsee-Windparks. Alain Guillemoles, Frankreich: La Croix 21 Mai 2012 Während seiner Investitionen in Frankreich hat sich das US-Konglomerat als einer der führenden Akteure in den Sektoren Energie, Transport und Medizintechnik etabliert. UNGARN: Mno. hu 21 Mai 2012 Die Teilnehmer der GEs Pressekonferenz in Budapest zeigten eine spektakuläre Demonstration der Technologie, die nach Budapest jetzt den Bürgern von London zugute kommen wird. GE, ein globales Unternehmen, das medizinische Geräte herstellt und dekorative Beleuchtung für die Kettenbrücke in Budapest und die Tower Bridge in London bereitstellt, ist einer der 11 Worldwide Olympic Partners. UNGARN: Tozsdeforum. hu 21. Mai 2012 Die ungarischen Experten von GE Lighting und GE Healthcare nahmen auch an der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Technologien für die Infrastrukturprojekte der Olympischen Spiele in London teil. Rupert Jones, Großbritannien: Der Wächter 16 Mai 2012 GE Capital Direct - unterstützt von GE - startet mit einfach zugänglichen Sparquoten von 2,65 und 2,35 Maurizio Carucci, ITALIEN: Avvenire 16. Mai 2012 in den vergangenen Jahren haben wir verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Sensibilisierung umgesetzt Gesundheit und Lebensstil Fragen. Zum Beispiel haben wir das Rauchen am Arbeitsplatz verboten, einschließlich der Parkplätze. Dies sind die stolzen Worte von Sandro De Poli, Präsident und CEO von GE Italy, einem in 150 Ländern tätigen multinationalen Unternehmen mit insgesamt rund 300.000 Mitarbeitern (GE hat In Italien für 90 Jahre tätig, mit 7.000 Mitarbeitern in 15 Büros). Pr Rnnberg, SCHWEDEN: IVA aktuellt 16. Mai 2012 Mehr als neun von zehn reagierenden Führungskräften aus schwedischen Unternehmen glauben, dass Schweden einen hervorragenden oder zumindest einen guten Ruf für Innovationen im Ausland hat. Das GEs Innovation Barometer 2012 sammelte Meinungen zu Innovationen in den Weltländern. Es wurde Ende März auf einer Frühstückssitzung von IVA und GE arrangiert. Henry Chesbrough, Großbritannien: Financial Times 15. Mai 2012 Im Jahr 2005 gab Jeff Immelt, CEO des US-Konglomerats General Electric, eine Strategie namens quotecomaginationquot bekannt, um seine Umsätze aus umweltfreundlichen Produkten zu verdoppeln. DEUTSCHLAND: Finanz Wirtschaft 12. Mai 2012 Das letzte Mal, dass ich GE am 2. Februar 2011 kommentierte. Die Börsen würden vor einer umfassenden Korrektur stehen, hieß es damals. Ich empfahl, begrenzte Aufträge bei USD 15,90 für GE zu stellen. RUSSLAND: RIA Oreanda 11. Mai 2012 GE Healthcare hat eine neue Version seines virtuellen Vscan-Visualisierungswerkzeugs eingeführt, das für die Bereitstellung von Imaging-Funktionen an der Point-of-Care entwickelt wurde. Basierend auf Rückmeldungen von aktuellen Vscan-Anwendern bietet die neue Version eine erweiterte Batterielebensdauer, eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche und verbesserte Reporting-Funktionen. SPANIEN: Energia Alimarket 09 Mai 2012 GE hat Jaime Elguero zum Direktor des Centre of Excellence ernannt, das Ende 2011 in der Zentrale in Madrid gegründet wurde. Das Referat ist für alle Aktivitäten des EPC-Sektors verantwortlich. Anette Kiefer, DEUTSCHLAND: Handelsblatt 08. Mai 2012 GE-Chef Jeff Immelt bestätigte, das Unternehmen werde die Entwicklung von elektronischen Batterien vorantreiben und sagte, er glaube an eine große Zukunft in Anbetracht der steigenden Ölpreise. UK: Financial Times 08. Mai 2012 GE hat sich mit der in Shanghai ansässigen XD Electric in seiner jüngsten Allianz mit einem chinesischen Unternehmen zur Stärkung seiner Position auf internationalen Märkten verbunden. TSCHECHISCHE REP: Profit 07 Mai 2012 GE verkündete fünf Innovations-Preisträger als Teil der ersten Stufe seiner 100 Millionen quotge Healthymagination Cancer Challenge. quot Unter den Gewinnern gibt es das Konzept der sicheren und stärkeren Brustimplantate mit heilenden Eigenschaften, die Entzündungen zu reduzieren. Diese Erfindung wird von der Universität von Akron, Ohio unter der Leitung von Dr. Judit Puskas, Wissenschaftler der ungarischen Herkunft entwickelt. Elwine Happ-Frank, DEUTSCHLAND: WirtschaftsKurier 07. Mai 2012 Interview mit Stephan Ritter, General Manager der GE Renewable Energy Group. DEUTSCHLAND: Boerse-Gode 04. Mai 2012 Die Landesbank Berlin bewertet weiterhin die GEs-Aktie nach der Präsentation der Zahlen im Eröffnungsquartal 2012, erhöht aber das Kursziel von USD21.00 auf USD22.00 (gestern Schlusskurs: USD19 .77). DEUTSCHLAND: Energiespektrum. de 04. Mai 2012 Energieübergang. Stephan Reimelt ist seit September 2011 CEO von GE Energy Germany. Er sprach mit Energiespektrum über die Chancen und Risiken einer Vielzahl von Technologien auf dem aktuellen Energiemarkt. DEUTSCHLAND: Die Welt 03. Mai 2012 Mit neuen Jumbo-Jets belohnt Lufthansa Kunden auf den hart umkämpften transatlantischen Strecken nach Nordamerika. Dank neuer Motoren von GE verbrauchen die neuen Flugzeuge 15 Prozent weniger Kraftstoff als vergleichbare Flugzeuge und bieten darüber hinaus einen deutlich reduzierten Lärmpegel. ITALIEN: AGI 02 Mai 2012 GE vergibt 100 tausend Dollar an die besten Forschungsprojekte im Bereich der Brustkrebsdiagnose und - heilung. Paolo Virtuani, ITALY: Corriere. it 02 Mai 2012 Im Juni wird der 747-8, ein 76,3 Meter langer Riese, genannt "Quenen der Himmel", im Lufthansas-Service sein. POLEN: Amerikanischer Investor 01. Mai 2012 Hugh Gillanders, Direktor für Public Affairs bei GE Europe, und Antoine Harary, Direktor für Europa bei Strategy One, eine Unternehmensberatung, präsentierten auf einer Tagung des AmCham die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des GE Global Innovation Barometer-Berichts Innovationsausschuss in Polen. Markus Dentz und Sabine Paulus, DEUTSCHLAND: Munstersche Zeitung 30. April 2012 Alternative Finanzierungsformen sind unter Druck geraten. Joachim Secker, Leiter der GE Capital Deutschland, spricht über die Zukunftsperspektiven der beiden Finanzierungsinstrumente Leasing und Factoring ITALY: ADNKronos 30. April 2012 Inteview mit Sandro De Poli, Präsident und CEO von GE Italy. DEUTSCHLAND: Mittelbayerische Z 30. April 2012 Das US-Technologieunternehmen GE Aviation legt großen Wert auf familienfreundliche Betriebsprozesse. Für ihre Bemühungen erhielt das Unternehmen im Jahr 2011 den Margarete Runtinger Award. Alle zwei Jahre wird dieser Preis vom Informationszentrum Frauen und Beruf verliehen. Georg Knoth, SCHWEIZ: Esprit 27. April 2012 Die deutsche Energiewende als Trendbarometer - Georg Knoth, Vorstandsvorsitzender GE SwitzerlandAustria CEO Technology Enterprises Deutschland. DEUTSCHLAND: Hamburger Abendblat 27 April 2012 2012 Girls Day: Weibliche Schüler erforschten General Electrics Ahrensburg. Simon Bruyning, Niederlande: NRC Handelsblad 26. April 2012 Rotterdam hat einen riesigen Fang gelandet: GE, das drittgrößte Unternehmen der Welt, hat sein Benelux-Hauptquartier in einem Steinwurf des Euromast errichtet. Lucia Scopelliti, ITALIEN: ADNKronos 25. April 2012 100.000 Dollar für Forschungsprojekte, die auf innovative diagnostische Tests und Behandlung konzentrieren. Die 5 Forschungsprojekte, die mit dem GEs 100.000 Award ausgezeichnet werden, werden in diesem Sinne effektiv sein - sie werden dazu beitragen, den Traum wahr werden zu lassen. Theo Jongedijk, NIEDERLANDE: De Telegraaf 24. April 2012 Bürgermeister Ahmed Aboutaleb eröffnete das Benelux-Hauptquartier des amerikanischen multinationalen GE im Parklaan in Rotterdam. Durch die Wahl von Rotterdam hat der Industriegigant seine Ambitionen für unser Land, die Stadt und vor allem den Hafen - wo die Zusammenarbeit bereits in mehreren Bereichen stattfindet - hervorgehoben. DEUTSCHLAND: Finanz Nachrichten 24 April 2012 Mit über 300.000 Mitarbeitern gehört das US-Konglomerat GE zu den größten Arbeitgebern der Welt. RUSSLAND: RIA Sachalin-Kurils 24. April 2012 Am 24. April traf sich die sakhalinische Regierungsarbeitsgemeinschaft unter der Leitung des Ministers für regionale Investitionen und externe Kommunikation Ekaterina Kotova mit Vertretern der GE. DEUTSCHLAND: Badische Zeitung 24. April 2012 3 Fragen an Tim Steigert, der die Zusammenarbeit bei GE über IT verbessern soll - und spricht am Tag der Informatik. UNGARN: Napi Gazdasag 23. April 2012 Das Ergebnis der fortgeführten Aktivitäten stieg um 1 Prozent auf 3,6 Milliarden Euro. GEs Ergebnis im ersten Quartal gekrönt Analysten Schätzungen, angetrieben von Gewinnsteigerungen im Energiegeschäft, eine Einheit der industriellen Abteilung. Das Ergebnis der fortgeführten Aktivitäten stieg von Januar bis März auf 3,59 Milliarden, ein Plus von 1 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Unter Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen einiger einmaliger Kosten beläuft sich das Ergebnis auf 3,56 Milliarden Euro, wobei die Analystenschätzungen nach wie vor von Bloomberg erhoben werden. Ian King, Großbritannien: The Times 21. April 2012 GE sagte, dass seine Immobilien-Bereich wieder in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres profitiert hatte, was zum ersten Mal, dass es im Schwarzen seit dem dritten Quartal 2008 gehandelt hatte. UNGARN: Vilaggazdasag 20. April 2012 Während Ungarn über eine ausreichende Flotte von Röntgen - und Ultraschallgeräten verfügt, sind die meisten von ihnen veraltet. Trotz der jüngsten Investitionen ist die Zahl der fortschrittlichen Imaging-Lösungen immer noch unter dem europäischen Durchschnitt. Entwicklung und Innovation sind nicht nur in Ungarn, sondern auch in den reicheren Ländern im Squeeze des nachhaltigen Finanzierungsbedarfs gefangen. Von Robert Wagner, Bereichsverkaufsleiter CEE - Ultraschall und Life Care Solutions bei GE Healthcare. Luisa Leone, ITALIEN: Milano Finanza 19. April 2012 Der Präsident von GE Italien bittet um eine Verzögerung bei der Umsetzung neuer Gesetze. De Poli glaubt, dass ein Aufschub ein Muss ist, zumindest in Bezug auf Bioenergie und Biogas. Andernfalls wird dieser Markt auch gesperrt werden. Und plötzliche Änderungen der Gesetze setzen Investoren aus. DEUTSCHLAND: Suddeutsche Zeitung 19. April 2012 TV-Spots, großformatige Anzeigen und Plakate - GE investiert viel in die Imagewerbung in Deutschland. Stefan Bauer, dpa-AFX, DEUTSCHLAND: Fokus 19. April 2012 quotIt ist unser Ziel, Branchenführer im Hinblick auf Wachstum und Profitabilität zu sein, erklärte der Leiter des LED-Lichtgeschäftes, Jaime Irick, gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur dpa-AFX Lichtbau-Messe in Frankfurt. UK: Gesundheitsdienste Journal 19. April 2012 HSJ interviewt GE Healthcare Präsident John Dineen. Marc Sidwell, Großbritannien: Stadt AM 18 April 2012 GE hat seine olympische Partnerschaft erneuert: Mark Elborne, President und Chief Executive von GE UK und Irland, spricht mit Marc Sidwell. Markus Dentz und Sabine Paulus, DEUTSCHLAND: Frankfurter AZ 18. April 2012 Joachim Secker, Vorstandsvorsitzender von GE Capital Deutschland, spricht über die Zukunftsaussichten der beiden Finanzierungsinstrumente. Benjamin Reuter, DEUTSCHLAND: Handelsblatt 17. April 2012 Tony Gale, Leiter des Geschäftsbereichs GEs Infrastructure, spricht über intelligente Netze, ökonomischen Nahverkehr und die Frage, warum die Menschheit die größte Hürde für die Wirtschaft im Energieeinsatz ist. Vincent Champain, Frankreich: Les Echos 16. April 2012 Stellungnahme Stück von Vincent Champain, GEs Direktor für Regierungsangelegenheiten amp Policy für Frankreich. UK: The Guardian 14 April 2012 Eine weitere ideale LED-Option für das Haus ist die neue GE Lighting Energy Smart LED GLS, die einen echten like-for-like Ersatz für eine 40W Glühlampe bietet. Sandro De Poli, GE, ITALIEN: Formiche 13 April 2012 Op-ed von Sandro De Poli, Präsident und CEO von GE Italy - Ideen für saubere Technologien finden und sie mit einem 5-Millionen-Dollar-Fonds für erfolgreiche Unternehmen unterstützen Hat das Joint Venture GE in Europa mit der britischen Non-Profit-Organisation Carbon Trust gestartet. Sandro De Poli, GE, ITALIEN: Formiche 13 April 2012 Op-ed von Sandro De Poli, Präsident und CEO von GE Italy - Ideen für saubere Technologien finden und sie mit einem 5-Millionen-Dollar-Fonds für erfolgreiche Unternehmen unterstützen Hat das Joint Venture GE in Europa mit der britischen Non-Profit-Organisation Carbon Trust gestartet. DEUTSCHLAND: Neue Energie 12 April 2012 GE hat im Jahr 2010 Pläne für den Bau einer Fabrik für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen in Großbritannien angekündigt. DEUTSCHLAND: FAZ 12 April 2012 US-Unternehmen startet Verkaufsoffensive mit erweiterter Produktpalette im Osrams-Binnenmarkt. GE beabsichtigt, eine weitere Verkaufsoffensive in Europa zu starten, diesmal im Lichtgeschäft. G. Escribano, SPANIEN: Expansion 11. April 2012 Interview mit Daniel Carreno, Präsident von GE. Der Präsident der USA-Gruppe für Spanien und Portugal überprüft die wirtschaftliche Situation und hebt schwerwiegende Probleme für die industrielle Tätigkeit, wie die Energie-Modus. G. Escribano, SPANIEN: Expansion 11. April 2012 Interview mit Daniel Carreno, Präsident von GE. Der Präsident der USA-Gruppe für Spanien und Portugal überprüft die wirtschaftliche Situation und hebt schwerwiegende Probleme für die industrielle Tätigkeit, wie die Energie-Modus. DEUTSCHLAND: Faz. net 10. April 2012 GE verstärkt seine medizinische Abteilung GE Healthcare durch den Erwerb von Seqwright, einem Spezialisten für genetische Diagnostik. DEUTSCHLAND: FTD 04. April 2012 Die Erlöse aus Factoring steigen. Eigenkapitalanforderungen sind die Fahrpreise. "Die Factoring-Gebühren liegen derzeit bei 0,15 und 1,5 Prozent der Umsatzerlöse", sagt Joachim Secker, CEO von GE Capital Deutschland, einem der größten Factoring-Dienstleister. UNGARN: Vilaggazdasag 04 April 2012 Eine Software-Anwendung entwickelt auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse einer gemeinsamen Forschung von GE Healthcare und der Universität von Szeged wird dazu beitragen, die Art und Weise, in der Leber-Tumoren diagnostiziert werden und die relevante Therapie ist geplant und überwacht mit fortgeschrittenen medizinischen Imaging-Technologie. Fabrice Luncy, FRANKREICH: BFM 03 April 2012 Clara Gaymard, Präsidentin von GE France bei BFM Business Radio, diskutiert Frances Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Frankreich verfügt über hohe Vermögenswerte in Bezug auf Attraktivität und Innovation, wurde jedoch aufgrund der von ihm geschaffenen administrativen Barrieren begrenzt. UNGARN: Budapest Business J 20. März 2012 Wettbewerbsfähige Besteuerung, effizientes Ausschreibungssystem, innovative KMU und die Bildung, die RampD unterstützt: Dies sind die wichtigsten Empfehlungen, die AmCham in seiner zehnten Position bekannt gab. "Die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen betreffend RampD haben einen wichtigen Einfluss auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und auf ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum", so Lajos Reich, GM Technology von GE Healthcare und Leiter der AmCham Innovation Group. "Durch die Verwirklichung unserer Vorschläge könnten die ungarischen RampD-Ausgaben verdoppelt werden." Tom Braithwaite und Nicole Bullock, UK: Financial Times 04. April 2012 GE hat am Dienstag eine Bonitätsstufung von Moodys erlitten, wobei die Agentur darauf hinweist, dass die große Finanzeinheit der Industriegruppen weiterhin vorbei ist - reliant auf kurzfristige Finanzierung. UK: The Western Mail 04 April 2012 Cardiff University und GE Healthcare haben ein Memorandum of Understanding unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung sieht sie bei wissenschaftlichen Forschungs - und Entwicklungsprojekten zusammen. DEUTSCHLAND: Handelsblatt 03 April 2012 Der Standort gilt als Hafen der Stabilität. Die US-Unternehmen in Deutschland erreichten mehr Umsatz und schufen mehr neue Arbeitsplätze als im Jahr 2010. Ed Crooks, Großbritannien: Financial Times 02 April 2012 Jeff Immelt, GEs Chief Executive, sagt die Entscheidung, 1bn in die Gruppen Hausgeräte-Geschäft setzen ist riskant Eine Investition wie wir je gemacht haben. DEUTSCHLAND: VDI Nachtrichten 30. März 2012 Umwelttechnik: Die Membrantechnik für die Abwasserreinigung ist seit langem bekannt für hohe Effizienz, aber relativ teuer. GE Water amp Process Technologies hat die neue Generation dieser Technologie vorgestellt, die die Technologie erstmals konkurrenzfähig macht. DEUTSCHLAND: Focus Money 28 März 2012 quotWe sind die GE in Deutschlandquot - das ist der Slogan, mit dem US-Konkurrent GE Deutschlands dominierende Firma Siemens herausgefordert hat. SWITZERLAND: Neue Zurcher Ze 27 März 2012 US-Konglomerat GE plant einige Großinvestitionen im Energiesektor in Nigeria. DEUTSCHLAND: Die Rheinpfalz 27. März 2012 Ministerpräsident von Rheinland-Pfalz Beck besucht Hersteller von Blockheizkraftwerk - 100 Mitarbeiter in Frankenthal. Camilla Mastellari, ITALIEN: Tekneco 26. März 2012 GE und CarbonTrust sollen 5 Millionen Euro für die Finanzierung von Greenprojekten zur Verfügung stellen - Interview mit Sandro De Poli, Präsident und CEO von GE Italy. Elena Sevillano, SPAIN: El Pais 25 March 2012 The important role of smart grids in energy saving. quotIf we are moving towards increased energy use and energy is a scarce resource, then we must work on efficiency, quot - Daniel Carrentildeo, President of GE for Spain and Portugal. Umberto Mancini, ITALY: Il Messaggero 23 March 2012 We are heading in the right direction, it is now time to focus on growth. Gaeumllle Fleitour, FRANCE: LUsine Nouvelle 15 March 2012 In Buc, in the region of Yvelines, GE Healthcare, a subsidiary of GE devoted to healthcare, is announcing production of a new interventional imaging system for the world market. The fruit of a collaborative partnership worth more than euro18 million. Maria Tabak, RUSSIA: RIA Novosti 15 March 2012 American companies should be able to compete, on a level playing field according to the same set of rules, with foreign companies eager to do business in a fast-growing economy and repeal the Jackson-Vanik amendment, - said Ron Pollett, President amp CEO, GE in Russia and CIS, Chairman of the Board of AmCham Russia. GERMANY: Energy 2.0 14 March 2012 GE and Carbon Trust will help accelerate clean tech growth in Europe, after evidence emerged that it is struggling to keep up with other parts of the globe. Laura Cavestri, ITALY: Il Sole 24 Ore 13 March 2012 Multinationals: we are convinced we should stay, but many of the countrys potentials are unexpressed. quotWe continue to invest, quot affirmed Sandro De Poli, chairman and managing director of GE Italy, quotbecause weve been here since 1921 and its a fine industrial sectorquot. GERMANY: Handelsblatt 12 March 2012 According to GE CEO Jeff Immelt, an extended phase of economic instability is on the horizon. GE is planning to create a buffer to enable the company to emerge on the other side in good shape. GERMANY: FAZ 11 March 2012 Study by GE Capital: Expenses for operating resources increased, money for company cars cut. GERMANY: Handelsblatt 08 March 2012 It was the legendary Jack Welchs mantra: Managers at GE had to rotate through all of the companys segments. Jeff Immelt is now breaking with his predecessors philosophy. GERMANY: Finanz Nachrichten 08 March 2012 GE Healthcare is about to take over Xcellerex Inc. and thus expand its competences in the up-and-coming sector of biopharmaceutical production. Merger with high-growth company creates integrated, comprehensive industry offer, focussed on cost reduction, increase in production and reduction of lead time. UAE: Arabian Business 08 March 2012 GE Co expects its sales growth in resource-rich countries in Latin America and the ME to outpace that in China and Asia, which has been a major focus for the largest US conglomerate. UAE: Arabian Business 08 March 2012 GE Co expects its sales growth in resource-rich countries in Latin America and the ME to outpace that in China and Asia, which has been a major focus for the largest US conglomerate. HUNGARY: Vilaggazdasag 08 March 2012 Partnering to Offer a Health Recipe for a Nation with GE Taking Initiative in the Health Awareness Campaign. Ten years ago, when the Health Bridge initiative was launched as Hungarys first health awareness campaign of this magnitude drawing huge media attention, GE was asked by the then US Ambassador to Hungary, Nancy G. Brinker, to design the scheme and the program. HKasmira Jefford, UK: City AM 08 March 2012 US engineering giant GE has signed a deal to occupy a former Olympic landmark building in Argents huge Kings Cross central development scheme this summer. SPAIN: La Vanguardia 07 March 2012 Daniel Carrentildeo, President of GE in Spain and Portugal, was critical of the current situation of Spains energy sector. He believes it is expensive, unprofitable and dependent and says that is why Spain is quotthe fourth most expensive European country for energyquot. SPAIN: El Economista 06 March 2012 GE has created a global Centre of Excellence for major engineering, procurement and construction projects at its Madrid offices, the companys President for Spain and Portugal, Daniel Carrentildeo, has announced. Elwine Happ-Frank, GERMANY: WirtschaftsKurier 02 March 2012 Interview with Ferdinando Beccalli-Falco, CEO of GE Germany. Ruumldiger Koumlhn, GERMANY: FAZ 01 March 2012 Interview: Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO of GE. For more than ten years, Jeff Immelt has managed Americas largest industrial group. The 56-year-old manager has done a lot of restructuring. However, he still observes several shortcomings. GERMANY: Frankfurter AZ 29 February 2012 GE plans to make further acquisitions this year - Jeff Immelt, Chairman and Chief Executive of the US industrial group, said in an interview. Chris Loumlwer, GERMANY: Handelsblatt 29 February 2012 The quotHandelsblattquot has exclusively obtained this study for which GE surveyed almost 3,000 executives on innovation. German companies are seen as global innovation leaders, right after the first-ranking US companies. Luca Pagni, ITALY: La Repubblica 28 February 2012 Two Italian companies as protagonists in two international industrial alliances: the former electricity monopolist to develop energy efficiency projects, while the former Pirelli Cavi works on a new link between Scotland and England for developing wind power. SPAIN: El Economista 28 February 2012 New 18-month partnership includes a euro3.72 million fund. Uffe Hansen, DENMARK: Boersen 27 February 2012 GE Money Bank is currently trying to seize market share with an offer of lower interest rates for consumers. ITALY: Il Sole 24 Ore 22 February 2012 There are 5 million ready to lend a hand to whoever has a good idea to be developed in the field of clean energy technologies. quotRealquot money made available by an investment fund set up by GE and by Carbon Trust to select and help to turn into reality the best European projects capable of growing the economy while respecting the environment. Luca Pagni, ITALY: La Repubblica 20 February 2012 Working in collaboration with the non-profit organisation Carbon Trust, the American giant has allocated a fund of 5 million to new companies in the low-emissions infrastructure sector. Tom Bawden, UK: The Independent 20 February 2012 GE will invest millions of pounds in fledgling green businesses in a new joint venture with The Carbon Trust. POLAND:Polska Dziennik Lodzk 20 February 2012 The GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders program provides financial support and leadership development to talented undergraduate students enrolled in engineering, technology or business management programs in participating countries. The program aims to build the human resources capacity and increase access to post-secondary education in the CEE countries where GE is active. GERMANY: Focus 18 February 2012 Butterflies are not only beautiful to look at, but they have also been the inspiration for an accurate thermal detector. A research team of the GE Global Research Center in New York has inspected the Morpho butterfly. Mauro Favale, ITALY: La Repubblica (Rome edition) 07 February 2012 A study by General Electric, one of the potential sponsors: what to build and with what criteria. Jaime Cevallos, SPAIN: RIMA 03 February 2012 The Olympic Games highlight sustainability challenges and opportunities for cities. Philipp Grontzki, GERMANY: Wall Street Journal 02 February 2012 GE sees no impact from the European debt crisis on its planned expansion in Germany - Ferdinando Beccalli-Falco, chief executive for Europe and North Asia. HUNGARY: Zalai Hirlap 01 February 2012 quotLEDs are the technology of the future. These lamps feature very low energy consumption and extremely high operating life, up to 25 yearsquot explains Kinga Kalocsai, PR amp Communications Leader, EMEA GE Lighting. Aureacutelie Barbaux, FRANCE: LUsine Nouvelle 01 February 2012 A global survey published by GE shows that French CEOs have a Franco-French perception on the purpose of innovation. Maurizio Bologni, ITALY: La Repubblica 01 February 2012 GE bets on the third regional centre: 350 jobs saved, exports of 400 million. SPAIN: Expansion 01 February 2012 Nine out of ten executives say the economic crisis is having a negative impact on the conditions that promote innovation. European companies are suffering the most, according to the GE Global Innovation Barometer. ITALY: zeroemission. tv 01 February 2012 With the Olympic Games soon to be held in London, GE has published a report presenting all dedicated ecological infrastructures and measures: these range from the Handball Arena capable of reducing water consumption by 70 to a hydrogen-powered taxi fleet. FRANCE: Le Journal de lauto 30 January 2012 The Equipment Finance division of GE Capital France is increasing its lending capacity for micro, small and medium-sized businesses thanks to the European Investment Fund guarantee. Ernesto Menicucci, ITALY: Corriere della Sera 30 January 2012 The Olympics in Rome We must follow the London model. These are the words of Sandro de Poli, President and CEO of the US giant GE for Italy. GERMANY: Frankfurter AZ 25 January 2012 Top managers fear declining research activity. GERMANY: Energate 25 January 2012 According to GE, the German energy transition could lead to a wave of innovation in the energy industry. FRANCE: Les Echos 23 January 2012 General Electric hopes for new dividends from its financial subsidiary. Denis Cosnard, FRANCE: Les Echos 23 January 2012 The vast American conglomerate posted solid results in 2011, but the crisis in Europe continues to get in the way of growth. To improve its margins and win the approval of Wall Street, the Group is restructuring its European branch. POLAND: Puls Biznesu 23 January 2012 According to the GE Global Innovation Barometer survey, more than 60 percent of executives working in Poland view our competencies in terms of introducing innovation as poor or very poor. Eulalia Furriol, SPAIN: La Vanguardia 22 January 2012 Future business creation is based primarily on SMEs, collaboration, individual talent and the local factor. SPAIN: abc. es 20 January 2012 GE reported today that its full year 2011 net earnings totalled 14.151 billion, up 22 year on year, whilst Q4 earnings dropped by 18. Angela Lamboglia, ITALY: Fasi. biz 20 January 2012 A look at the level of global innovation and the perception that businesses have on their countries ability to promote it. To achieve it, GE commissioned StrategyOne consulting firm to conduct a survey in 22 countries and the results were published yesterday. Michiyo Nakamoto, UK: Financial Times 12 January 2012 GE set up a year-long programme for 15 people in Japan identified as having the potential to become global leaders. It also now offers training for its employees in China. SOUTH AFRICA: The Star 11 January 2012 Transnet yesterday celebrated the signing of a deal to buy 43 diesel-electric locomotives from GE South Africa Technologies. RUSSIA: Autobusiness-Weekly 10 January 2012 GE announced the most influential business transaction involving the purchase of 25,000 electric cars for partners and its own automotive fleet by 2015. SPAIN: IP 03 January 2012 London is the first city hosting Olympic and Paralympic Games to embed energy efficiency in its planning from the start of the project. POLAND: pap. pl 01 January 2012 GE experts believe that global demand for energy will increase in the coming years, and that it will have doubled by 2030. The increased demand will be accompanied by growing energy prices. HUNGARY: hvg. hu 28 December 2011 There are several factors that influence the decision about the site where an RD operation is set up. The size and the dynamics of the market are important factors. The size of Hungarys market is insignificant, but the Eastern European region as a whole offers significant potential. - explains Lajos Reich Chief Technology Officer at GE Healthcare in Hungary and leader of AmChams innovation workgroup. POLAND: Agro Serwis 28 December 2011 As a global corporation, we adopt the same human-resource procedures and the same leadership creation principles throughout the world. As many as 90 of the top-rank managers in GE are our employees with many years standing, explains Leslaw Kuzaj, GE CEO for Poland. Xiao Jingdan, CHINA: Health News 27 December 2011 At the recent RSNA, GE demonstrated its latest technologies and advancements to allow early diagnosis and treatment, reducing the harm of radiation which gives new hope to all. GERMANY: Boersen-Zeitung 23 December 2011 Finmeccanica, the partially state-owned Italian conglomerate, has suffered from new cases of corruption, the awkward international business climate and the decreasing competitiveness in specific divisions. Luca Orlando, ITALY: Il Sole 24 Ore 22 December 2011 Sandro De Poli, Chairman and CEO of GE in Italy, sees 2012 as a difficult time for all European economies but the Italy risk is considered to be manageable and therefore does not represent an obstacle for new industrial commitments. Maurizio Cappellini, ITALY: Corriere di Romagna 18 December 2011 From the Monti secondary school to the head of the third largest company in the world. A. Simoacuten, SPAIN: Cinco Dias 16 December 2011 Luis Campo is an industrial engineer who started, in his own words, in the factories and worked his way up to become President of GE Healthcare, a GE business that generated revenues of euro12.5 billion worldwide last year. Clara Gaymard, GE, France: La Tribune 16 December 2011 Article written by Clara Gaymard, President and CEO, GE France. RUSSIA: Wiki-meds. ru 13 December 2011 GE Healthcare in partnership with Cancer Prevention Fund, Department of Health of Samara City, and Samara Regional Cancer Detection Center held an early cancer detection campaign. RUSSIA: Ami-Tass 13 December 2011 Today GE and Microsoft announced their plan of establishing a JV to develop dedicated software allowing to improve the quality of service in health sector. Wirtschaftsblatt, Germany: Wirtschaftsblatt 12 December 2011 Conservative investors appreciate the old economy, industrial motors that keep their share prices stable even in turbulent times. WirtschaftsWoche, Germany: WirtschaftsWoche 12 December 2011 People buying bonds today have two main questions: Does the company have a sufficiently strong financial basis to fork out interest regularly And can it repay the bond when it is due Brigitte Jeanperrin, France: Inter Radio 10 December 2011 Interview with Clara Gaymard, President of GE France, on The 7H-9H Weekend Broadcast radio programme on Inter Radio. Finanza e Mercati, Italy: Finanza e Mercati 09 December 2011 The start of a new alliance in health-care management. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany: FAZ 09 December 2011 GE and Microsoft have entered into cooperation in order to reduce costs in the healthcare system. A multi-billion dollar market beckons the companies. Google has, however, already failed in this area. Alfonso Simn, Spain: Cinco Dias 09 December 2011 Interview with John Dineen, President and CEO of GE Healthcare - Controlled public spending in Europe means GE is looking to other markets, like Asia and even the US, for the hospital equipment sales that balance its books. Le Debat, France: France 24 (natl TV) 06 December 2011 Interview with Clara Gaymard, President of GE France on TV programme quotLe Debatquot channel France 24. Susana Carrizosa, Spain: El Pais Negocios 04 December 2011 Multinationals have begun manufacturing low cost products in developing countries. Tina Daz, Spain: Expansion 02 December 2011 The smart city concept is gaining ground as an emerging sector, but also involves challenges, such as changing the mentality of society and governments management styles. Corriere. it, Italy: Corriere. it 21 October 2011 The Equipment Financing division at GE Capital EMEA, one of the largest financial institutions in Europe, has signed a trade agreement with Sharp Electronics SpA, in Italy under which dealers and distributors active in business electronics company can offer equipment at attractive terms. Aleksandra Stanis322awska, Poland: Rzeczpospolita 20 October 2011 Red tape, no fiscal incentives for innovators, and a bad model of education are the main conclusions from the report on innovativeness in Poland. These conclusions follow from the 2011 GE Innovation Barometer report commissioned by GE earlier this year. Ehren Goossens, Italy: Bloomberg News 19 October 2011 General Electric Co. (GE), the worlds biggest maker of power-generating equipment, invested 58 million to build a greenhouse on the Italian island of Sardinia that will use the suns energy to provide power to the national grid as well as to grow crops. Europa Press, Spain: Europa Press 18 October 2011 The second phase of the European project EUCO2 8050, in which 14 European cities are participating to attempt to drive down greenhouse gas emissions, is now complete. GE is the exclusive industrial partner of this project and supported the second phase by providing financial support within the framework of its environmental initiative ecomagination. Napi Gazdasag, Hungary: Napi Gazdasag 17 October 2011 The London Games will be the first summer Olympics where sustainability has been put at the heart of the organization efforts since the very beginning. The Olympic Games will be powered by three GE Jenbacher gas engines that will provide power, heating and cooling systems across the Olympic Park site during the events and then for the buildings that will be converted into residential buildings after the Games. Nani Beccalli-Falco, Belgium. Europes World 17 October 2011 Europe is at a critical juncture in its history. While I dont believe for a moment that the European project is in danger of imploding I do believe that the economic crisis has once again put into sharp focus its shortcomings caused in part by the lack of collective political leadership. This is standing in the way of the EU realising its full potential. Francesco Nicoletti, Italy: ZeroEmission 17 October 2011 The fight is on to reduce greenhouse gases and the costs of transport in one of the biggest trading hubs in the world, Rotterdam. This is the aim of General Electrics onshore power supply project, which will involve the docks in the Dutch port. FDi Magazine, UK: FDi Magazine 17 October 2011 General Electric Europe and North Asias CEO tells Micha Kaczmarski about the up side of the current global economic malaise, the best locations for new projects, and which factors matter the most when deciding to invest overseas. MTI, Hungary: MTI 13 October 2011 GE opened its European lighting experience center, a HUF 200 million investment, in Budapest. Minister of national Development Tams Fellegi said the initiative is a clear step strengthening the companys Hungarian presence. Joanne Harris, UK: The Lawyer 13 October 2011 Infrastructure and finance company GE has promoted Marianna Nitsch to the role of European general counsel for its Global Growth amp Operations (GGampO) division. Andrew Hill, UK: Financial Times 12 October 2011 Original thinker: GEs training was founded on the Blue Books of former chairman Ralph CordinerI was told two things about this group, the lecturer announces. This is GE: one - dont be boring two - dont make them touch. Expansion, Spain: Expansion 12 October 2011 Daniel Carreo is not a sprinter and nor is he one for short distances. As a cyclist, he is whats known as a climber he enjoys long-term challenges with a few bonus sprints along the way. Born in Len in 1967, Carreo has just climbed to the top spot at General Electric (GE) in Spain and Portugal. Giornale di Brescia, Italy: Giornale di Brescia 07 October 2011 Today is a historical day for the historic company AB, a network of 11 companies belonging to an industry group involved in the co-generation and valorisation of renewable energy sources. A strategically important contract with the American company General Electric (worth 50 million dollars) was signed. Antti Mikkonen, Finland: Talouselama 07 October 2011 Overall US companies invest very little in Finland. GE Healthcare Finland, however, forms an exception. Managing Director Siv Schalin sees no risk of the global player moving the business away from Finland, as the Finnish subsidiary has highly skilled staff. close co-operation with university hospitals and, surprisingly, efficient production. Environmental Leader, UK: Environmental Leader 03 October 2011 GEs London projects also include the installation of Jenbacher gas engines at two natural gas and biomass-fueled energy centers being built in the Olympic Park and Stratford City developments. Peter Odrich, Germany: VDI Nachtrichten 30 September 2011 About one dozen sponsors will be accompanying the Olympic Summer Games in London in 2012 and General Electric is one of them. Handelsblatt, Germany: Handelsblatt 29 September 2011 GE has provided financing to its industrial customers. Chief executive Jeff Immelt has expanded the financing unit after 2001, but the unit has had increasingly less to do with credit lines for GEs own products. Koronczay Lilla, Hungary: Nok Lapja 29 September 2011 Hungarys Chain Bridge turns pink for the 10th time on the evening of Sunday, October 2nd with thousands of women and men walking through it as part of the fight against breast cancer. I love to work with people who put the interests of the public ahead of their own interests. And I believe in the honor of volunteering. - says Eszter Szabo, Regional Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Leader, GE CEE. Devina Divecha, UK: designMENA 25 September 2011 Simon Fisher, General Manager EMEA - indoor commercial LED luminaires, GE Lighting, was in UAE recently to host a designer council and introduce the new range to relevant people. He said the Middle East region is seen to be very progressive with its attitudes towards lighting, and the new Edge range of products, will be ambient office lighting. Gospodarka, Poland: Rzeczpospolita 22 September 2011 Europe fails to take advantage of the fact that if it created a really integrated market, it would be the largest market in the world. We would gain economy of scale, says Ferdinando Beccalli-Falco, President and CEO of GE Europe and North Asia. Napi Gazdasag, Hungary: Napi Gazdasag 22 September 2011 GE is launching a 100 million open innovation challenge to accelerate breast cancer research and enable more personalized treatment. The global healthymagination challenge is also open to Hungarian researchers and businesses. Handelsblatt, Germany: Handelsblatt 21 September 2011 Global research activities have focused on developing more efficient and more environmentally friendly power plants. One of the latest developments is a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 530 MW which uses a heat recovery steam generator and integrated solar technology in order to produce more steam for power production. The plant thus has an efficiency of 65 percent, about 7 percent higher than traditional combined cycle power plants. The so-called Flex Efficiency 50 plant has been developed by US company GE Energy. G. Escribano, Spain: Expansion 21 September 2011 True to GE tradition, Daniel Carreo (Len, 1967) - the man who is to take the baton from Rafael Daz-Granados as President of the US corporation for Spain and Portugal - comes from within the ranks of the company. Mno. hu, Hungary: Mno. hu 20 September 2011 GE Lightings Hungary based Global Technology Centre sponsored new interactive, on-the-move science exhibition of the Hungarian Science Academy. The Nanobusz (Nanobus) showcases a raw of experiments and interesting technical tricks from the world of nanotechnology, the lead technology of the future. Ekaterina Grishkovets, Yegor Popov, Russia: Kommersant 20 September 2011 GE has agreed upon the terms of the joint venture with Inter RAO and United Engine Corporation. Arcangelo Rociola, Italy: Milano Finanza 20 September 2011 Sandro De Poli is the new President and CEO of General Electric for Italy and Israel. A role which will see him responsible for the growth of the General Electric in the area, by identifying new growth opportunities for the multinational in the two countries and reinforcing the relations with Institutions, says the Group in a press release. Nathalie Croise, France: BFM 19 September 2011 GREEN BUSINESS, the BFM BUSINESS show thats 100 sustainable and a great program this week. GENERAL ELECTRIC invests billions of euros in Green Business and its profitable. The President of GENERAL ELECTRIC FRANCE, Clara GAYMARD will be with us in just a moment. Alexandra Frean, UK: The Times 19 September 2011 General Electric has joined with some of Americas leading venture capitalists to form a 100 million fund to offer financing to enterprises and individuals developing early detection and diagnostic tools and personalised treatments for breast cancer. Olivier De Lagarde, France: France Info 16 September 2011 France Info(radio), during its show titled Chairman CEO, interviews CEO of GE France Clara Gaymard about General Electrics presence in France and worldwide. France24, France: Agence France Presse 15 September 2011 US industrial conglomerate General Electric said on Thursday that it would invest 1 billion in cancer research over the next five years. Marie Mawad, France: Challenges 14 September 2011 Jean-Marc Gales, Executive VP Sales, Marketing and AfterSales of PSA Peugeot Citron, and Ferdinando Beccalli-Falco, President of GE Europe and North Asia and CEO of GE Germany, signed a technology and commercial cooperation agreement to collaborate towards establishing reliable business models for Electric Mobility. Vilaggazdasag, Hungary: Vilaggazdasag 14 September 2011 GE Jenbacher J416 gas engines utilize the methane produced in the HUF 4.5 billion biogas plant inaugurated yesterday in Szarvas, Hungary, GE announced. Katarzyna Jdrzejewska, Poland: Brief 13 September 2011 In my opinion the biggest advantage of crowdsourcing is the opportunity to learn about exceptional concepts, fresh and innovative ideas which might change our world for better - says Lesaw Kuzaj, GE CEO for Central Europe. Osaca, Spain: Osaca 10 September 2011 Urban Green Energy and GE Energy Industrial Solutions have developed a charging station powered by a wind turbine combined with solar panels. Pilot installations are to take place in New York, Beijing, and Barcelona this autumn. Jan Zizka, Czech Republic: E15 09 September 2011 Start-ups in countries like Poland or the Czech Republic have to face a limited access to financing from venture capital funds, but now they have new opportunities. The access to capital becomes easier thanks to the Internet it is a completely new concept, says Leslaw Kuzaj, GE CEO for Central Europe. Daniela Stigliano, Italy: Il Mondo 09 September 2011 2011 for Paolo Braghieri and GE Capital Interbanca seems however, to have marked the turn in the American path of the credit institution, which has witnessed so many Italian financial events in the last 50 years. Toby Price, Spain: renewableenergymagazine 05 September 2011 GE has joined Virgin Australia and a consortium of other partners to research and develop commercial biofuel for the aviation industry using eucalypt trees. Markt und Mittelstand, Germany: Markt und Mittelstand 02 September 2011 Markt und Mittelstand reports about how fleet management can help to rise employee motivation. Aside from reporting about characteristics of the company car that are valued differently by male and female employees, author Michael Dueer outlines GE Capitals SME Capex Pulse study. CT24, Czech Republic. Czech Television CT24 01 September 2011 Alex Sokolovski gives an interview about GE Healthcares Vivid Q. This cardiovascular device was selected by NASA as part of their research project and was brought to the ISS by the Atlantis shuttle in July 2011. Szeg Ivn Mikls, Hungary: hvg. hu 01 September 2011 The GE Foundation Opening Doors secondary school talent development program involves extracurricular training with talent development sessions and business English lessons held partly in school-time and partly in the free-time of the students. mti. hu, Hungary: MTI September 2011 This will be the tenth time that a walk across the Chain Bridge lit in pink lights is organized on 2nd October to raise awareness of the importance of breast cancer screening. GE is one of the first partners of the walking and in the same time the company is supporting numerous of projects in order to save lives. Andy Bloxham, UK: Daily Telegraph September 2011 The top 50 firms operating in Britain will be offered telephone numbers that will span the responsibilities of three departments in a move expected to be announced by the Government soon. The final minister is Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, the Trade and Investment Minister, who generated the idea for the strategic relations scheme. He will act as the liaison for General Electric. Handelsblatt, Germany: Handelsblatt September 2011 The US conglomerate admits errors and now wants to catch up. It focuses on German medium-sized companies. Mr Beccalli-Falco says, We do not want a price war, we want a technology war. Ben Edwards. Bloomberg 29 August 2011 Israels water industry is attracting funds from GE and ConocoPhillips as the country develops energy-saving technology to treat sewage, part of a 5 bln program to clean up water supplies by 2016. Tracey Boles, UK. Sunday Express 28 August 2011 The board of US aerospace giant Boeing has fast-tracked its decision for an updated version of the 737 passenger jet which will be fitted with new fuel-efficient engines. The engines, made by GE, are expected to be 10 to 12 per cent more efficient than those on todays 737. Ariadna Boada, Spain. La Vanguardia 28 August 2011 Feature article profiling executive Todd Johnstone, CEO of Industrial Solutions EMEA. The article highlights Johnstones career with GE and how he came to Barcelona to lead Industrial Solutions in EMEA. SfatulMedicului, Romania. Sfatulmedicului. ro 25 August 2011 The explosive growth of mobile applications for everything from news to shopping is also improving the way many people manage their health. But what at first glance might seem like niche data - tracking a calorie here and a short jog there - is actually the front line of the digital revolution in healthcare. Gazdasagi Radio, Hungary: gazdasagiradio. hu 23 August 2011 GE has achieved the highest-ever reported efficiency for CdTe thin film solar panels. While GE is looking to focus on utility-scale solar, panels are also popping up in unexpected places, such as New York City and the Solar 2 project. Anke Henrich, Juumlrgen Salz, Germany: WirtschaftsWoche 22 August 2011 The golden days are over for the industry - health insurances and countries need to save money. Time for new Ideas - GE is one of three companies featured as responding to this need by selling more basic and thus more cost-effective medical technology to developing and industrial nations. La Repubblica, Italy. ecostampa 19 August 2011 GE has started selling the DuraStation electric vehicle recharging station and is promoting adoption of these ecological systems in Europe. The Western Mail, UK: walesonline. co. uk 18 August 2011 Stephanie Thomas, a 21-year-old Glamorgan Business School student from Cross Hands, has recently secured a graduate role with GE after completing a placement year with the company. Sebi, Romania: Pilotmagazin. ro 15 August 2011 Next-generation aircraft will feature more and more electronics, said Dale Carlson, Executive for Advanced Engine Systems at GE Aviation, but the last thing to convert to electric power will be the power plant. Vedomosti, Russia: Vedomosti 11 August 2011 The CEO of the worlds largest industrial company talks about the future of the global economy, why corporations need to generate changes, and GEs plans in Russia. Les Echos, France: Les Echos 05 August 2011 According to a study of GE Capital Europe, more than half of French SMEs plan to create jobs in the coming twelve months. This article examines GE Capitals Capex Barometer findings in France, analysing the confidence of SMEs by country, region and industry. Magorzata Grzegorczyk, Poland: obserwatorfinansowy. pl 02 August 2011 Business matters have top priority: the possibility of making an investment, its value, turnaround time and rate of return. Every project is examined individually and very thoroughly, while key decisions are always taken based on business factors. says Lesaw Kuzaj, GE CEO for Central Europe. Reuters, UK: Reuters 02 August 2011 GE Capital has bought Credit Agricole Commercial Finance UK, as part of its strategy to focus more on lending to small British companies, many of which have complained that the top UK banks are not lending enough money. CACF UK provided some 3bn (4.9 billion) of finance to UK companies in volume terms in 2010. Profit, Czech Republic: Profit 01 August 2011 The first in a series of Banking on Women workshops will take place in Prague later this month. The project, which is backed by GE Capital EMEA, encourages women in to banking and provides assistance to women seeking to start their own businesses. Diseno Interior, Spain: Diseno Interior 01 August 2011 Located at the companys factory in Getafe, Madrid the new showroom is an open space for professionals where the company provides personalised lighting consultancy and exhaustive information about all the solutions available: architectural, corporate, for hotels and for exterior lighting. Denik, Czech Republic: Denik August 2011 Fair representation of women in leadership is a game man and women have a role in. At home and at work. We would all be better off if we understood each other and collaborated more. - said Eszter Szab, Regional Leader of Communication and Public Affairs for CEE. James Parker, UK: Building Products August 2011 Mike Barrett, Commercial Director UK and Nordic for GE Lighting discusses the current white lighting solutions that can significantly improve safety and security in exterior environments. Longina Grzegrska, Poland: Newsweek 31 July 2011 BHP and Newsweek announce the winner of their joint Your Company Award, best business plan contest. The jury panel, which included Bank BPHs Marta Surowiec, nominated Olga Banasik from Kielce, owing to her bold and socially innovative idea of a crche for sick children. She won PLN 25,000 and a business suit designed by Viola piechowicz. Thomas Klee, Germany: Boersen-Zeitung 28 July 2011 The development of GE in the previous years is quite ambivalent. Strongly affected during the financial crisis, lost the AAA rating which had been considered safe for a long time. Borsen-Zeitung, Germany: Boersen-Zeitung 28 July 2011 Germanys third largest wind farm builder Repower recorded a significant increase in revenue and operating results in the first quarter of its current 201112 business year. Cinco Dias, Spain: Cinco Dias 27 July 2011 Iberia has selected GE CF6-80E1 engines to power its latest order for 16 Airbus A-330s, eight of which are firm orders with up to eight options. Europolitics, Belgium. europolitics. info 26 July 2011 The European Commission cleared, on 25 July, under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of sole control of French power conversion company Converteam Group SAS by US conglomerate GE via GE Energy. Helen Loveless, UK: Mail on Sunday 24 July 2011 In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, John Jenkins, CEO of GE Capital UK, explains GE Capital is the banks biggest rival for lending to businesses. And with small companies still angry over what they claim is the reluctance of the banks to back them since the credit crunch, he senses a huge opportunity. Constanze Winkler, Germany: Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz 21 July 2011 Joachim Secker, Chief Executive of GE Capital Germany, comments on the companys research on European SMEs which revealed, among other things, that aproximately 972,000 new jobs will be created by German SMEs in the next year. Alain Ruello, France: Les Echos 21 July 2011 Interview with Jean Paul Ebanga, President of CF International, JV between Safran and GE. vg. hu, Hungary: Vilaggazdasag 18 July 2011 GEs cardiovascular ultrasound system was aboard of the shuttle Atlantis when it blasted off on its final voyage. NASA selected the customized device to help assess the impact of long duration microgravity space flight on astronauts in the International Space Station(ISS). Roland Lindner, Germany: Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung 15 July 2011 The manufacturing industry in America has been on the decline for years. The diversified corporation GE embodied the transition towards becoming a service society. Roland Lindner, Germany: Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung 15 July 2011 Chairman Jeffrey Immelt is looking to stop jobs from being transferred to low-wage countries. Following years of cutbacks, the workforce in the United States is getting ready to grow again. Franco Canevesio, Italy: Milano Finanza 14 July 2011 GEs activism holds forth ecomagination, the project for the development of green products and technologies is turning out to be one of the most profitable business ventures in the history of the group. Luca Gualtieri, Italy: Milano Finanza 12 July 2011 After a reorganization and currently enjoying a positive trend, the company now wants to increase volumes, focusing on leasing and factoring services for SMEs, explains Paul Braghieri, CEO of GE Capital Interbanca, Italy. Metropol, Hungary: Metropol 11 July 2011 GE has recently announced that it achieved a record 12.8 percent efficiency for its cadmium telluride solar panels. While it is much more efficient than other commercially available solar panels, it is still a low efficiency rate in comparison to the efficiency of gas or nuclear power plants. Parkiet, Slovakia: Parkiet 11 July 2011 Bank BPH economists have won Parkiets ranking of the most accurate macroeconomic forecasts for Q2. The team, headed by Maja Goettig, Chief Economist of Bank BPH, scored 18.79 points, ahead of competitor economist teams, as BGK and BRE Bank came in with 17.97 and 17.44 points respectively. Public Senat, France: Public Senat 10 July 2011 Interview with Clara Gaymard, President of GE France, Ana Palacio, former Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Jean-Herv Lorenzi, Professor at the University of Paris Dauphine during the Annual economic meetings of Aix-en-Provence, France. Fernando Garcia, Spain: La Vanguardia 10 July 2011 The vast majority of local economists and businessmen are seeing clouds in the Brazilian economic horizon, be them cirri, strati or storm clouds. At a conference organised by the Harvard Group in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Joao Geraldo Ferreira, President of GE Brazil, gave a promising outlook for this summer, especially for large companies operating in the country, but one that is not without risks. Faz, Germany: Faz 09 July 2011 Medium-sized companies in Germany are optimistic about their economic development prospects for the next 12 months and intend to invest heavily. These are the results of a study conducted by GE Capital on the economic situation of medium-sized businesses in various European countries. Lidove Noviny, Czech Republic: Lidove Noviny 09 July 2011 Interview with Leslaw Kuzaj - GE Regional Executive for Central Europe, who speaks about GEs successful strategies and philosophy, focusing on the situation in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. Leslaw also mentions business and technology trends we can expect in the upcoming years. Luca Gualtieri, Italy: Milano Finanza 07 July 2011 Since the financial crisis many Italian retail banks have chosen to focus on traditional activities dismissing more challenging sides of the business. This trend might offer an opportunity for institutions that are specialised in advanced segments such as leasing and factoring. This is the case for GE Capital Interbanca, the group that General Electric took over from Santander in 2009. 168 ra, Hungary: 168 ra 07 July 2011 In 1954, Ronald Reagan was invited to be the host of the General Electric TV series and GEs goodwill ambassador. The GE-show was the highest viewed primetime program, and the number 1 pitchman spent 8 years traveling to nearly 140 GE sites, talking to employees. Maria Ottoson, Sweden: Dagens Industri 06 July 2011 I actually believe that things are much better than people want them to be,- says Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE, in a frank interview with Swedish national daily Dagens Industri. Joachim Hofer, Germany: Handelsblatt 06 July 2011 General Electric (GE) is one of the largest supporters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Axel Hpner and Joachim Hofer spoke with Georg Knoth, the person responsible for Central Europe at GE. Axel Hpner, Joachim Hofer, Hans-Peter Siebenhaa, Germany: Handelsblatt 06 July 2011 The IOC will be deciding today where the Winter Games will be taking place in 2018. Powerful sponsors are pulling the strings in the background. Georg Knoth, responsible for the Central European region on behalf of the IOC partner General Electric, comments. Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Poland: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 06 July 2011 Bank BPH is testing a new system which will make bank branches turn into self-service centers. The customer will not be served by employees, being tended to by modern devices instead. Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Rzeczpospolita 04 July 2011 We are going to expand our business in Poland. Especially, if the optimistic forecasts regarding shale gas mining become confirmed, says Jeffrey R. Immelt, GE CEO. La Repubblica, Italy: La Repubblica 04 July 2011 GE Capital decided to launch Clear Drive on the European market, a new service destined to promote company car drivers to adopt an quoteco-compatiblequot style. Michael Riedler, Austria: Wirtschaftsblatt 04 July 2011 GE Jenbacher has been able to score a lot of points with its decentralized energy generation plants, for the most part in newly industrialized and emerging industrial nations. Luke Walter, Italy: Milano Finanza 02 July 2011 Paolo Braghieri, CEO of GE Capital Italy, comments on a strong six months and a positive trend moving forward for GE Capital in Italy, as SMEs are increasingly turning to specialized services such as leasing and factoring. Arte y Cemento, Spain: Arte y Cemento 01 July 2011 GE Lighting, along with the Town Council of Castro Urdiales (Cantabria), has completed an ambitious project to renew the lighting on the towns maritime walkway, improving safety and light quality and allowing energy savings of up to 77 by replacing traditional lamps with LED technology. Kathrin Werner, Germany: FTD 01 July 2011 The fact that smart grids are now becoming a reality is attracting many investors and companies interested in making acquisitions,- says Keith Redfearn, who is responsible for GEs smart grid business in Northern and Eastern Europe. Energy 2.0, Germany: Energy 2.0 July 2011 Interview with Keith Redfearn, General Manager for GE Northern Europe, Digital Energy on GEs smart grid projects. Innovation-3, Germany: innovation-3 July 2011 StrategyOne recently conducted an international study for GE to produce the GE Global Innovation Barometer, a study aimed at better understanding how innovation is changing and how social expectations regarding innovation are shifting. The Manufacturer, UK: The Manufacturer July 2011 In an interview with the Manufacturers Will Stirling, John Jenkins, CEO of GE Capital UK, explains how asset-based finance has helped GE Capitals manufacturing customers through the recession as the value of core assets held up when finance linked to other, cash-flow or covenant-based terms crashed. Airline92, Spain: Airline92 July 2011 GE Aviation has launched, at the Paris Air Show, a series of innovations in the context of its ecomagination philosophy, GEs global business strategy which applies to all its businesses. novinky. cz - news portal, Czech Republic: novinky. cz July 2011 Two thirds of Czechs treat themselves to a spontaneous purchase at least once a month, primarily spending on food, clothing or cosmetics. Women make spontaneous purchases to lift their spirits more often than men, according to a GE Capital commissioned survey. Figyelo, Hungary: Figyelo 30 June 2011 The Hungarian financial sector welcomed Gyrgy Zolnais arrival at Budapest Bank. The sector hopes that this personal attributes will bring a very fair style of bank management culture to Hungary, which could be beneficial to the entire market. In general, appointing a Hungarian expert sends a positive message to the market, pointing towards growth. Combined Reports, Russia: The Moscow Times 30 June 2011 GE and the International Olympic Committee extended their partnership to 2020 at a ceremony in Moscow. Novo Ogaryovo, Russia: RIA Novosti 29 June 2011 Russian PM Vladimir Putin discussed with the tops of GEs prospects for cooperation with Russian partners, - told the press secretary of government Dmitry Peskov. Will Nichols, UK: BusinessGreen 28 June 2011 A journalist reports on GEs Innovation Blogger Call yesterday, GE survey finds business leaders associate green products with having the most potential for growth through new ideas. Airline92, Spain: Airline92 27 June 2011 The GE unit dedicated to manufacturing engines, components and integrated systems for commercial and military aviation has launched, at the Le Bourget Air Show, a series of innovations in the context of its ecomagination philosophy, GEs global business strategy which applies to all its businesses. thenews. pl, Poland: thenews. pl 27 June 2011 A mass is to be celebrated on the 27th of June in St Marys Church in Krakow as part of the European celebrations of the birth centennial of US President Ronald Reagan. Raffaele Ricciardi, Italy: Milano Finanza 25 June 2011 GE accelerates its green activity investing nearly 2 billion dollars into research and development of eco-sustainable technologies. Gail Edmondson, UK: Science Business 23 June 2011 The investments will increase energy efficiency and spur domestic use of power from renewables. Five further projects will receive 100K grants. Luigi Grassia, Italy: La Stampa 22 June 2011 Boeing has introduced the rival of Airbus A-380: We are proud to present the longest jet in the world. Rebecca Piron, GERMANY: Kolnische Rundschau 20 june 2011 For the first time ever, GE opened its gates to all those interested on the Night of Technology. Our goal is to present General Electric to the public, said project manager Michael Werth. We are a company that is experiencing constant growth in Germany and not all people are aware of this right now. Victor Mallet, SPAIN: Financial Times 17 June 2011 GE is looking at making a big investment, perhaps in the energy or transport sectors. Were cautious about Spain in the short term, says Rafael Daz-Granados, president and chief executive of GE Iberia. We continue to be very bullish about Spain in the medium and long term.. Czech Republic: Technick tdenk 14 june 2011 The multinational corporation GE Energy is one of the leaders in the development and application of advanced energy smart systems. At the end of April, Prague welcomed Dr. Bartosz Wojszczyk, GE Energys Global Smart Grid Technical Leader, Transmission Distribution Business in Atlanta. Gali Weinreb, ISRAEL: globes. co. il 13 June 2011 GE will open its a multidisciplinary RampD center in Israel, its eighth RD center in the country, at an investment of 3-5 million. ITALY: Il Sole 24 Ore 10 June 2011 GE Transportation has opened a new centre of excellence for innovative rail signaling technologies in Sesto Fiorentino, Tuscany. ITALY:Nuovo Corr di Firenze 10 June 2011 GE has opened a new global centre of excellence in innovative railway signaling technologies in Tuscany. It will be located in Doccia. ITALY: Quotidiano Energia 07 June 2011 GE enters the thermodynamic solar power market. The U. S. giant, through its subsidiary GE Energy, has announced that it is acquiring a strategic stake in eSolar, the Californian company that has developed the innovative concentrated solar power tower technology. SPAIN: La Voz de Galicia 06 June 2011 Interview with Juan F. Garcia Santamaria, sales general manager of GE Lighting for Spain and Portugal about the essence of the company and the challenges he faces. ITALY: Corriere della Sera 06 June 2011 Interview with Marco Annunziata, GEs chief economist on Italys competitiveness. ROMANIA: Wall-street. ro 03 June 2011 In the 21st century free markets and capitalism can still be a foundation for competitiveness and job growth. We see signs of growing strength every day, demand for products and loans are growing, the global markets remain strong, deal activity is robust, and corporate borrowers are more optimistic. So the global economy really has been reset. - said Jeffrey Immelt, GE CEO. Dagens Naringsliv, Sweden: PersonalampLedarskap June 2011 Health work at the Norwegian offices of GE Healthcare has been taken to a whole new level, successfully reducing absence due to illness by 11. Italy: La Republica 31 May 2011 Riccardo Pierinelli, Sales Manager at GE Capital Fleet in Italy, comments on the pan-European launch of Clear Drive - an innovative eco-driving program to help GE Capital customers to slash CO2 emissions and reduce fuel costs. SWEDEN: Svenska Dagbladed 30 May 2011 The Norwegian section of GE Healthcare is doing the company name justice and making tough demands of employees. GEs healthy living campaign has led to an 11 decrease in sickness absence among staff. SPAIN: Dinero y Empleo 29 May 2011 Op-Ed by Rafael Diaz-Granados, President of GE for Spain and Portugal. Italy: Il Manifesto 29 May 2011 In just five years, solar power could be more economical than that generated by burning fossil fuels and by nuclear reactors. This has been confirmed by Mark M. Little, the Global Research Director for GE, the third biggest company in the world (according to Forbes). ITALY: La Stampa 27 May 2011 A living version of the famous Van Goghs masterpiece, A Wheatfield, with Cypresses, made of more than 8000 plants of differing varieties, has been installed in Trafalgar Square. Belgium: EurActiv 27 May 2011 Traditionally a market reserved for niche players, the solar sector is now drawing increasing interest from energy behemoths like GE and Total as well as unexpected new investors like Google. Mark Vachon, vice-president of GE Energys ecomagination programme comments on this evolution of the solar market Marte Iren Kristiansen, SWEDEN: Dagens Nringsliv 26 May 2011 Employees at GE Healthcare are committing themselves to the HealthAhead initiative, which has led to an almost 11 reduction in sickness absence, according to management. France: Le Figaro 26 May 2011 A gas-fired plant supplementing renewable energies will be built in Belfort. Ricardo Cordoba, President of GE Energy for Western Europe and North Africa underlines the importance of the new FlexEfficiency 50 plant. Germany: maschinen-technik. net 26 May 2011 GE Capital in Germany provides one of Germanys leading providers of logistics services, Pfenning Logisitcs, with 7.8 million finance facility to help the company with its plans for expansion. The deal will fund, among other things, 95 new semi-tractors, trailers and more than 70 vehicle refrigeration units. France: Le Figaro 26 May 2011 Interview with Jean-Louis Chaussade, CEO of Suez Environment on their projects in smart water networks and their agreement with GE. Italy: Il Mondo 20 May 2011 For the first time in Italy, GE Capital will be issuing retail bonds to the general public. Gianluca Ferretti, Director of Bond Investments at Anima Sgr. comments on why this bond issuance is particularly appealing to the Italian investor. HUNGARY: MTV 20 May 2011 GE Researchers at Szeged developed the prototypes of two software applications that help detect cancerous diseases. The softwares will enable easier, quicker and more precise localization of both the tumor and the capillary vessels feeding the tumor. The computer application designed to support doctors in the delivery of effective patient care can soon be used to detect any type of tumor. Czech Rep: Novinky. cz 20 May 2011 Eight talented university students from the Czech Republic ceremonially joined the regional network of GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders program winners. UK: Holmes Report 19 May 2011 Last night in Prague the GE Innovation Barometer was awarded the Sabre Award for best Public Affairs programme in EMEA. Italy: Ecostampa 18 May 2011 Due to a lack of infrastructures, wasted flare gas is equal to 5 of the worlds gas production according to the GE study. Czech Republic:Technik 13 May 2011 A new report by GE estimates that 5 percent of the worlds natural gas production is wasted by burning or flaring unused gas each year - an amount equivalent to 30 percent of consumption in the European Union and 23 percent in the U. S. Austria: Salzburger Nachrichten 13 May 2011 Many steps are necessary in order to achieve the change in energy policy that many are hoping for and GE considers itself to be the leader in this area. UAE: Utilities ME 13 May 2011 Located at Dhuruma, about 80km west of Riyadh in Riyadh central Province, this power plant is expected to produce 1,730 megawatts of electricity at what will be the Kingdoms largest combined-cycle gas - fired power station. GE will supply seven Frame 7FA gas turbines and two D11 steam turbines to the project, and in addition to providing the equipment. Hungary: Tozsdeforum. hu 12 May 2011 Eight talented university students from Hungary ceremonially joined the regional network of GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders program winners. We are very delighted to see additional students joining this program that has been run successfully for nine years. In addition to providing financial support to individual students, the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders scholarship program promotes the cooperation of universities and global business communities while helping the creation of a Central and Eastern European network of young intellectuals - said Leslaw Kuzaj. GERMANY: Focus Money 11 May 2011 America has a new hero - Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman of GE, of all people. Spain: El Mundo 11 May 2011 Efficiency and clean energy are the two main themes of the Genera 2011 trade fair. Companies from the solar, biomass and cogeneration sectors explain in this piece why they attended the fair and talk about their latest innovations. Spain: El Mundo 11 May 2011 Companies present their new products to measure pollution, produce clean energy and even allow for learning at schools at the Genera Show 2011. Czech Republic: CIAnews. cz 06 MAY 2011 An interview with Milan Slapak, Commercial Director, GE Aviation Czech, brings information about H80 engine development, manufacturing and business plans, as well as companys general business results and strategy for the following years. UK: MANUFACTURER 04 MAY 2011 GE Global Research has recently announced new products it hopes will revolutionise the manufacture of products by increasing process efficiency. ITALY: AFFARI amp FINANZA (La Repubblica) 03 MAY 2011 According to the GE report Flare Gas Reduction: Recent Global Trends and Policy Considerations, companies are burning 150 bn cubic metres of it in the open air each year, five percent of world production, during oil drilling, causing serious damage to the environment. UK: Vadvert. co. uk 02 MAY 2011 GE Healthcare has announced that it will be acquiring the cellular imaging company Applied Precision. The deal, which will close during the second quarter of 2011, will allow the firm to take control of a business specializing in high-resolution and super-resolution microscopy instruments, which are used to monitor the behavior of cells. France: Entreprendre 01 May 2011 Patrice Coulon, General Deputy Manager of GE Capital France, comments on the benefits of factoring when compared to bank loans. He also announces the launch of jefinancemapme, an online platform for French SME leaders to discover their financing options. POLAND: Napedy i Sterowanie 01 May 2011 As concern about environmental impact increases globally, companies are turning to more efficient technologies such as GEs proven IGCC technology - interview with Pierpalo Mazza, Regional General Manager for Power generation sales in CEE, Russia CIS, GE Energy. UK: Lighting May 2011 Interview with Phil Marshall, Lighting EMEA CEO, in the UK based Lighting Magazine, about the future of the business. Germany: Moebel Kultur May 2011 Moebel Kultur discusses the benefits for GE Capitals factoring business customers, particularly for SMEs. With flexible solutions, deep industry expertise and global reach, GE Capital is helping to fuel growth in Germany. NL: Rotterdam School of Management May 2011 A first report was commissioned by the Port of Rotterdam Authority emphasising the Smart Port initiative, a knowledge and innovation alliance with GE. HUNGARY: KlubRadio 28 APRIL 2011 Each week, KlubRdi presents examples of businesses, institutions andor individuals that contribute in some way or other to remedying financial troubles and social problems, improving life quality and enabling sustainable development. This weeks program focused on GE Foundation Opening Doors Secondary School Talent Development Program. GERMANY: Handelsblatt 27 April 2011 The turbulent years have come to an end and GEs new strategy is working. This manager will be able to share good news at todays Annual General Meeting. FRANCE: EUROPE 1 (radio) 27 April 2011 Interview with President of GE France, Clara Gaymard, who highlights GEs activities in France, stressing that GE France remains a French success story. Spain: EurActiv 18 APRIL 2011 Interview with Ricardo Cordoba, President of GE Energy for Europa and North Africa on the future of nuclear energy. VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH. Corporate INTL 01 April 2011 Adam Johnson, Managing Director of Corporate Structured Finance at GE Capital in the UK, explains how, in a post-recessionary environment, corporates are re-assessing their capital structures and funding strategies. He comments on how GE Capital is taking asset based lending into the mainstream to replace and complement existing financing options in both the banking and capital markets.

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